Welcome to Commander Genius
Commander Genius is a software piece that interprets the Commander Keen and Cosmos the Cosmic Adventure series. As fans and developers we try to implement new features, improve the gameplay and give players an experience that feels like playing the original game but a bit more refreshing.

Goodbye Galaxy and Keen Dreams support
Full Support.
Invasion of the Vorticons support
Full Support.
Cosmos Cosmic Adventure
Full Support.
OS Support
Not only on Windows, Android, MacOS! There are many third party developers which supports CG on different devices (PS Vita, Nintendo Switch and many more).

- Keen 1-6 and Dreams support
- Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure support
- Four Player Mode
- Fully customizable button layout on keyboards, gamepads and other input devices
- Graphic scalers
- Hardware acceleration
- Six difficulty modes
- Mods support
- Ingame Music support using HQP (Yes, music in the Invasion of the Vorticons series! Get it from our download page. It's absolutely free!)
- New graphical effects
- Much faster, because no emulation layer
- HUD in Invasion of the Vorticons like you enjoyed it in Galaxy
- High Quality Pack for Graphics, Sound effects and music
- and much more...
By the way, it's free!
>> Go to the download page here!!
The right hand image that you see is Commander Keen in a dark room when playing the game normally under DOS (or for example DOS-Box). To the left you see the room using Commander Genius. Quite the difference, huh?! The darkness depends on the difficulty, so watch your step. ;-)
The Commander Genius Team
Currently Active:
- Main Developer and project manager: Gerhard Wolfgang Stein (aka Gerstrong)
- Ports for Nintendo Switch and Testing: Elias Oenal
- Developer, resource administrator and main tester: Tulip
- Tester:Mancus Nemo
- Tester:Hagel
- Ports to Google Android: Pelya
Retired Devs:
- Developer and resources: Tulip
- Developer and tester: Albert Zeyer
- Developer and tester: Pizza2004
- Developer and resources: Pickle
- Resources and resources: NY00123
Special Thanks to:
- Markus Arnold
- Alber Zeyer
- Pelya
- Pizza2004
- Strength
- Scott Smith (aka Pickle)
- NY00123
- Tomer Feiner
- James K. Beard
- Northfear
- Clobber
- Ceilick
- Casey (aka FCTW)
- Zear
- Lemm
- DaVince
- Sciz CT
- Iv4n
- ThunderPX
- Mink
- CKeen
- TheHackerCat
- Malvineos
- Lemm
- Chrisfischtopher
- Hans de Goede
- Levelass
- ZidaneA
- DSL (Cool Icon design)
- Napalm (Information about PC-Speaker sound)
- Commander Spleen
- Lucio Agostinho
- ...and many more we might have forgotten to mention.
You need the original DOS game files in order to play on Commander Genius. Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars and Secret of the Oracle as shareware are not included. But you can download them through the internal Commander Genius Game Store at no cost. Commander Keen: The Earth Explodes and Commander Keen: Keen Must Die! are registered versions which can be purchased from 3D Realms, Apogee, or purchased from someone willing to sell you their copy, same goes for Keen 5 and 6. If you happen to have these old games, then give Commander Genius a try!