Here are the released Commander Genius versions. The latest is the best, but sometimes certain ports are not supported right now. The games are not provided for download but since CG has an integrated Downloader you can get them comfortly from there.
Version 3.x Series

Latest Releases on Gitlab:
Gitlab Release Assets
Latest Releases for the Nintendo Switch (Special Thanks to Elias Oenal):
Nintendo Switch Release Assets
Windows (10 and later) - Version 3.0.0 :
zip package
MacOS (64-bit only) - Version 3.0.0 :
dmg package
Linux Generic (64-bit only) - Version 3.0.0 :
tar.gz file
Arch Linux (AUR) - Git Master
Version 2.x Series

Latest Releases for PS Vita (Special Thanks to Northfear):
PS Vita Release Assets
Windows (10 and later) - Version 2.8.2 :
zip package
MacOS (64-bit only) - Version 2.8.2 :
dmg package
Linux Generic (64-bit only) - Version 2.8.2 :
tar.gz file
Nintendo Switch - Version :
Get it here!
Arch Linux (AUR) - Git Master
Ubuntu Linux (or similar like Linux Mint) :
Open a terminal and type "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gerstrong/cgenius"
enter your super user password, accept the the server key and update your software sources with "sudo apt-get update".
If you want to install it from the terminal you can enter "sudo apt-get install commandergenius".
Commander Genius also will appear in Synaptic or Software Center after that. In future you will get the latest updates through that nice system.
Alternatively you can download the packages manually: Packages.
Android :
There is an entry in the Google Play Store but you can still download it manually of you prefer it that way:
Commander Genius on Google Play Store or

High Quality Pack (HQP)
The High Quality Pack provides extra resources for Commander Genius like music and extra sound effects and svga graphics. When installed, you can hear music in the first three episodes of the game. High quality SVGA tilesets and some sprites have been added to Episode 1-6.
Get it today! Download
Code used for Assets: here
Version 1.x Series

Windows (7, 8.x and 10) - Version :
Zip Package
MacOS (10.12 and later) - Version :
Zip Package Special Thanks to Clobber
Linux (Binary only) - Version Release (64-Bit) and 1.6.1 (32-Bit) -
Ubuntu Linux (or similar like Linux Mint) -
Although there are some binary packages on the sourceforge server here
it is recommended using the PPA we provide: PPA Link
Installing this is very easy: Open a terminal and type "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gerstrong/cgenius" type in your super user password, accept the key and update your software sources.
After that you can select and install Commander Genius. In future you will get the latest updates through the whole update system of Ubuntu.
Fedora or OpenSuse and RPM based distros - Version Release (64-Bit) and 1.6.1 (32-Bit) -
Google Android Devices
Commander Genius on Google Play Store or APK
Legacy Versions (Very outdated)

Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8 and others) - Version 0.3.7 -
Installer (32 bit)
ZIP Package (32 bit)
MacOS X (10.3 and later) - v0.3.6.1 -
Linux (Binary only) - Version 0.3.7 -
Ubuntu Linux (11.04 and higher recommended) and Debian based distros - Version 0.3.7 -
Fedora (15+) or OpenSuse (11.4+) and RPM based distros - Version 0.3.7 -
iPhone - Commander Genius v0.3.2.x - (Still under construction)
Google Android Devices
Commander Genius 0.3.2.x
Open Handhelds
Commander Genius (GP2X) []
Commander Genius (Wiz) []
Commander Genius (Pandora) []
Commander Genius (Dingoo) []
Get the latest source code via GIT
All current versions are now stable, this doesn't mean perfect, just good enough. The stable version is known to work on most of the systems and has been tested deeper. The Prereleases are known to be stable too, but with minor issues.
You can also browse through the packages here. They may not be the most stable versions, but they are more recent. If you find bugs in them we would be happy if you report them to us so we can improve Commander Genius.
If you want the most recent source code you can also download it per GIT here
Bugs found?
We are happy to see people who test our product. If you want to report bugs, you can
do that here. This is mainly used by our developers but
can be used by everybody.
Git issues