The Bean-With-Bacon Title Keen Drawn
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Commander Keen on modern systems with more features

Enjoy the old but good games with better graphics, sound and controls.

Commander Keen 1-6

We have Commander Keen 1-6 fully working on CG. Try it out today!

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Commander Genius Keen 8

Installing Keen 8 in Commander Genius with Original Tunes

The download provides some original soundtracks you can use in the gameplay.

In order to play Keen 8 you must own Keen 6 (v1.4. v1.5 does not work). It is still commercial so I cannot offer it here. It is harder to get but you might have chances looking at ebay for copies

Keen 8 data with the tracks is located on our server: Keen 8 download for CG

If you have a copy of Keen 6 (v1.4), follow these steps:

  1. Download Keen 8 from our page. Do not use any other version!
  2. Extract it in the game directory like this: ~/.CommanderGenius/games/Keen8
  3. From Keen 6 you need the KEEN6.EXE. Copy it into the extracted Keen8 directory

Now Commander Genius should detect the game, enjoy it!

If you wonder, the music subdirectory contains the tunes in ost format You can hack it to your liking.